Project Info
Α series of drawings on carbon paper.
The Night Lambency drawings are accompanied by a large scale mosaic installation created by black marble and copper tesserae. (see Mosaics / Sea II)
The work proposes an encounter with the sea within the luminous transparency of the night. The work is to be displayed in a dark environment.
The large mosaic creates a space that envelops the viewer as it presents an opportunity of contemplation in the dark. The Night and the Sea invite us to face our losses and desires in silence and to carry on by reflecting on what is of most value.
The mosaic consists of thousands of small tesserae, which forces our gaze to scan its surface constantly in order to actually see it. The bronze tesserae reflect the light and the brightness is altered depending on the viewer’s standpoint. This movement of the viewer and the shift of the gaze create an alterable space.
The drawings attempt to seize the lightful traces of the perpetual movement of the sea. The night, free of the burden of darkness or death, but rather as a fertile mourning of the daylight can lead to a process, one of acceptance of the loss of things presumed by embracing the ever-changing nature of life.